Hey! Are You Under 12?

Well then we've got something extra special just for you!!

It's not only the GROWN UPS that get to have a super fun time in church on Sunday!

We've got a whole bunch of great stuff for KIDS too! The best part is, we get to play together, and learn about Jesus at the same time!

It's great to learn more about how God loves us, and how awesome He is! We love to hear stories about Jesus from the bible!

Sunday Is A Funday Because...

We read the bible together
We pray together and for each other
We make awesome stuff in crafts
We play fun games

If you're under 3 then you're not quite big enough to go into kids church just yet :-(

But, don't worry! You can be in big church with the grown ups, and if you get a bit restless or bothered, then your grown up can take you into the crèche where there's loads of toys.

Your grown up will have to stay with you, but there's a live link from the main service, so they should be OK!

All content on this website is property of Assemble Church, unless otherwise stated. Copyright 2022.

Registered Charity No. 1198942